Sunday, March 11, 2007

Spartan Law (unfinished)

After tennis practice last Saturday (and after a whole school day's worth of exams)... I watched the movie 300 along with some friends. We liked the movie so much that we downloaded the graphic novel (comic book) from which the movie was based from. ( For those of you with raised eyebrows, it's called peer sharing - not piracy.) Anywho... here are a few of my favorite scenes from the comic book... just right click and open in a new window if you want to read the text. For you lazy worts, I did some captioning of my own... And once again sorry to all my non-broadband readers.

The movie was actually based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller, the same baggy-eyed. pen-genius who gave us Sin City. (Note to self, download sin city... the movie and the comic book). The comic book itself was based on (actual historical?) events told in some books, the title of which I don't know. What I do know is that the legend of the mighty 300 who stopped 100 nations withstood the test of time and still stands today to leave most listeners, readers, and moviegoers awestruck each time the tale is told. Warning... movie spoiler! If you haven't seen the movie or been listening to your history lessons... look away young Spartan. However, I assume that most of us have already heard this tale...

The movie starts with the a boy, a young spartan taken away from his mother, driven hard by his mentors, and tested for his strength each day of his young life. Like any regular young spartan, he is left in the wild - cold and hungry, to be initiated as a man... he faces danger, kills wild animals yada yada yada... The boy who was left for dead returns home a king... you king Leonidas. In the scene above, a messenger arrives in Sparta to ask them to submit to the rule of the god-king Xerxes. As most of use have already seen in the trailers, this is the scene where Leonidas kicks the arrogant messenger into the dark bottomless abyss while screaming his trademark line, "this is Sparta".

Leonides provokes a war. However, the elders, bribed by lust and gold, disagree and say that the will of the gods are against it. (Breast exposure scene here, its an R13 movie after all. Kids these days... they're allowed to see more things than we did) Disappointed by the priests decision, Leonides leaves the "inbred swine" and decides to take matter on his own. He goes for "a walk," along with 300 of his personal bodyguard. As the caption says- they march.
They march north. Knowing very well that there they will meet their doom. But death in battle is the Spartans' idea of a glorious death. They would be no better way of dying.

Due to some unforseen events, this article was cut short and posted before completion. (See Terror at 2617 post) Thank you for your patience... this post will be finished as soon as possible.

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