Thursday, September 21, 2006

I'm Out of Coins

This picture should say a thousand words...

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...di akin ang top score! T_T


Anonymous said...

what game?

Anonymous said...

i dont get the whole picture..... explain ^_^; onegai ^_^;

Anonymous said...

hey you don't play arcade anymore, and if you do, it's supposed to be "Here Comes a New Challenger!" hehe :D so is this like, "It's for me to know and for us to find out?" hehe :D

There's always a part before it says "Game Over" right?

Continue? 9...8...7...

Ean said...

haha... yeah... its something like that... ill update you guys later... im back home na pala... hello Iloilo!

efrenefren said...

ill try to explain :D
score and high score. he only scored 1023 much much less than the high score. keep that in mind for now.
everything is given in the final level friend and the big game over above it. the game is a girl. maybe the girl csar has been talking about in his previous posts. and someone had done a way better job in completing the game than csar had. so the only level he reached was a friend. not something else.
but you know csar there is hope.
it is said in the insert coin part. you can always insert another coin try harder and maybe you can reach a higher level. :D
very very nice artwork.
only 100+ words. sori :D

efrenefren said...

my disorganized thoughts. sori. but i think i made my point :D

Ean said...

nice 1 fren! right on the money... but i can always say more things about it... if only to reach the 1000 word quota. hehe... but id rather not. anyways, thnx for the comment. :D

Anonymous said...

i had to read the comment of fren twice..haha.pero gets ko answer the question i posted b4 "what game?"...its the game of life..=D.the life of caesar..

Anonymous said...

AWWW!!! that WAS DEEP! heres another quarter Try agen man... hahahaha...

Wanna try a new game? hehe... but as a hardcore Gamer... we try and try until we get it Right...

(speaking both literaly and metaphoricaly<< is there such a word?)

Anonymous said...

ah ok... was gonna ask what game man? hehehe... should have known... well, actually, nathink ko gid man nga amo na fren, but abi ko arcade game gid ya... hehehe...